Tulsi, Temperate (Ocimum africanum)
List Price: $4.00
This variety of holy basil is a temperate plant with fast growth and greater productivity than some other tropical species and sub species. Creating a bushy plant with small leaves and purple flowers, they are delight to grow from seed and will yield many stalks, stems, leaves and flowers with powerfully aromatic compounds.
If you have a short growing season, this is a must have variety of an ancient healing plant and among the most frost-hardy cultivars. Traditional uses for this plant are many and Tulsi has become one of the most sought after medicinal plants to grow for tea due to its delicious taste and aroma. As a medicinal plant, Tulsi is a superstar and has broad medicinal actions including support for stress, anxiety, heart disease, arthritis, dementia as well as being antiviral, antimicrobial and containing very beneficial anti-inflammatory constituents. Tulsi is known as an herbal adaptogen and helps the body to adapt to both physical and emotional stressors. In India, they are considered very sacred plants and are often grown outside of a dwelling to protect the home.