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Author: Claude Davis


608 pages


7 total reviews

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The Lost Ways prepares you to deal with worst-case scenarios with the minimum amount of resources just like our forefathers lived their lives, totally independent from electricity, cars, or modern technology whatsoever, meaning you'll also be bulletproof against the ever-increasing threat of an electromagnetic pulse, a powerful economic breakdown, famines, and natural disasters.

Please note that some of the pictures in the book are designed to look "old".


In The Lost Ways II you'll find the long-forgotten secrets that helped our ancestors survive famines, wars, economic crises, diseases, droughts, and anything else life threw at them.

Claude Davis is an old-fashioned guy by any standard. He is fascinated by the old days, when people were wiser, healthier and more independent. He's a firm believer of "practice what you preach", so he has personally built a log cabin where he lives with his wife and two children. Cooking outside on an open flame, making his own clothes and stockpiling homemade canned foods are just a few of the things he loves doing. He believes that the teaching of our forefathers can prepare us for anything in life. After all, a crisis is what people 150 years ago called daily life: no electricity, no computers, no internet, no supermarkets and no pharmacies in sight. And still they came out on top, otherwise we wouldn't be here. Claude considers that lifestyle to be the building block that shaped modern day America and turned young people from softballs to hardened adults, ready to face anything life threw at them.

Book dimensions: 8-3/8"W x 10-7/8"H

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Denes Kiss


Joe Jackson
review of lost ways

There is a lot of good information some of which has been long forgotten by modern society. Helpful information for anyone trying to be more prepared for hard times

Helen Wilson


Garry Eyser
Useful information

These books have very useful information inside about skills are forefathers knew and we’ve either forgotten or never knew. Would definitely recommend it to anyone!!


Was not really interested in most of it. But it's my fault for not looking into the book more before buying. It talks alot about meat. And well I'm a vegetarian. Don't eat any meat. Only eat eggs n all the other good herbs,fruit n veggies. Was kinda bummed when the second book talk about alot of meat more than anything. Kind of a waste of money for vegans n vegetarians. The only thing thr I really like was how to make clay blocks. The first book had more information. But I already knew most of it already. Some of it was okay. ..