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The Paddy Straw Sawdust Spawn is a tropical mushroom that only fruits above 80F and actually prefers 90+F. This protein rich species is widely cultivated in Asia on rice straw, but can be grown on many other slightly composted, dried vegetable wastes. This mushroom fruits quickly, typically in 5-7 days from spawning. The mushrooms form in eggs so they should be grown on a plastic barrier or in containers to avoid poisonous or deadly amanitas that associate with tree roots. A great tasting edible and prized in Asian markets, dried Paddy Straw can achieve protein contents of 38-42%! This culture will die under refrigeration or if temperatures drop below 50F for over a week, but perfect for intense summer heat. Perfect for growing seasonally if you have a few weeks or months when nothing else will grow!
Note: Paddy Straw Sawdust Spawns are only available for purchase April - July.
Edibility and Taste: Meaty and Savory, Silky.
Grows On: Composted straw and cotton waste.
Fruiting Temps: 80F-110F.
Availability: Summer Months (June-August).