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Mullein, Olympic (Verbascum olympicum)

List Price: $4.00

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*Designated an invasive species in the following states, no sale: AK, CA, CO, GA, KY, OR, WV, WY

The statuesque stalks of Greek Mullein are set ablaze with yellow blossoms all through the summer season. In its second year of growth, it can tower from six to ten feet tall, with pollinators whirring about its generous candelabra of blooms. Native to Greece and the Olympus mountains of Turkey, Verbascum olympicum lends an extravagance to whatever site one may choose to plant it. Its flowering time is from early to late summer, with the plant usually ending its life cycle once flowers fade. However, Greek mullein will scatter a bounty of seeds, allowing it to continue on in the next season (if you so choose). Birds are fond of these seeds as well. 

Greek Mullein has a long history of herbal use, with its leaves being said to help with congestion and respiratory woes, particularly, asthma, when taken as a tea or a tincture. Oil of Mullein has been used for earaches, and may also be beneficial on skin conditions. Their dried stalks can function as torches, and it is thought that ancient Romans used bright green and yellow dyes derived from the plant to color their hair. Mythology holds that Ulysses carried Mullein to protect himself from the temptations of enchantress Circe. This noble plant, with its colossal frame, does have a kind of godliness to it, one that will enchant human and insect visitors alike. 

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