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Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)

List Price: $4.00

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Also known as Queen of the Meadow, this beautiful perennial has delicate flowers with white blooms that are tinged yellow-green. The flowers grow in clusters and are very light and feathery with leaves that are dark and shiny resembling raspberry leaves. Meadowsweet is a member of the rose family (Rosaceae) and is very fragrant.

Native to Europe, Meadowsweet has naturalized in North America and grows well in moist soil and meadowlands. The plant contains salicylic acid which was isolated in the early 20th century to create what would become Aspirin. Meadowsweet as plant possesses many of the pain-relieving gifts of aspirin but believed to be much easier on the stomach and is considered a herbal ally to support restore and repair of the intestinal lining. This herb is also known for anti-inflammatory, astringent and tonifying benefits. Revered through history, Meadowsweet was a sacred plant to ancient Druids and much worked with by herbalists and doctors through the middle ages into present times.

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