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Board Balm - Oil & Wax for Cutting and Charcuterie Boards

List Price: $16.00

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Natural Oil & Wax Sealer Treatment for Cutting Boards, Butcher Block and Charcuterie

The Best Treatment for Wood Kitchen Surfaces

Our oil & organic wax treatment for cutting boards, butcher blocks and charcuterie boards is made with organic beeswax and food-grade mineral oil.  Just rub on a layer and let the mineral oil-based balm soak in a freshen your wood surfaces.  Great for walnut, maple, bamboo or any other type of wood.  Here are some details:

  • Sealer and conditioner for all boards and counters
  • Cutting Board Oil Treatment made from food-grade mineral oil and organic beeswax
  • Great as a Butcher Block Oil replacement
  • Mineral Oil for Wood Cutting Boards
  • Sealer for Butcher Blocks and Cutting Boards
  • Best Oil for a Cutting or Charcuterie Board

We love our charcuterie and cutting boards and searched far and wide for a finish for treatment.  We decided to make our own, and came up with a mix that is 4 parts oil to one part wax.  The wax provides a natural barrier and keeps the oil protected as it soaks in.

 Ingredients: Organic Beeswax and Food Grade Mineral Oil

Size: 4 oz



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