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Bergamot, Lavender (Monarda fistulosa)

List Price: $4.00

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Also known as Lavender Bee Balm, this Monarda species is a native perennial that grows in clusters with beautiful crown like pink and/or lavender flowers. Bee Balm attracts a number of specialist bees, predatory wasps, hummingbirds, butterflies and hawk moths. The flowers’ long tubular design is a perfect fit for butterflies, moths and hummingbirds and can bring a steady stream of delightful winged ones all day long.

Since this plant is native to 48 states, it was a much revered healing ally for Native American peoples. Monarda fistula was utilized for a wide variety of ailments from fevers to stomach aches, nosebleeds, colds and flus, bronchial complaints, insomnia, heart trouble, nausea and more. The young leaves and flowers are edible and highly aromatic and make a wonderful tea traditionally used for afflictions of the respiratory tract and for cold and flu symptoms. A steam inhalation of the plant is very soothing to inflamed mucus membranes.

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